Preserving Grandma’s Independence

How You Can Care For Yourself After An Hemorrhoidectomy Procedure

Having a hemorrhoidectomy procedure can be a somewhat painful experience and it does take time to recover from it. You shouldn't have any complications if you are in good health and follow your doctor's instructions on self-care. Learn how you can care for yourself after a hemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure. If you follow these steps, you will heal in no time. Cleaning and Treating the Area Topically You may feel some pain and discomfort for several weeks after the procedure is done and there are ways besides medications that can help you find comfort. Read More 

Fundamental Tips to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Walk-In Medical Clinic

When you feel sick and want treatment fast, walk-in medical clinics are a great option. They get you in and out with some form of medication, so you can start feeling like yourself again. To ensure this experience is smooth all the way through, be sure to remember these tips when searching for one. Complete a Cold Call Sometimes the quickest way to get a feel for a medical clinic's operations is to make a cold call. Read More 

Causes, Signs, And Treatment Options For Bronchitis

Most people will develop a cold and cough at some point in time. Unfortunately, without proper rest and care, this cold and cough can develop into a more severe condition. Bronchitis may develop if the bronchial tubes become irritated and inflamed, which is common if you have been suffering from a cold and cough. While common, especially after a cold or virus of sorts, bronchitis is not understood by most people very well. Read More 

2 Reasons Why You Should Visit A Cryotherapy Clinic

When you hear the word "cryotherapy," you might automatically associate the term with the treatment of skin conditions. Cryotherapy is a process that uses liquid nitrogen or argon gas to freeze diseased tissue and tumors. However, medical professionals who work with cryotherapy have branched out and are now using the procedure in a number of other ways as well. If you've never given much thought to the idea of going to a cryotherapy clinic, the following information will help you see why you should give it a go. Read More 

Avoid The Itch: How To Stop Summer Yeast Infections

Summer is finally here, which means the warm weather is here, too. If you have a vagina, it means yeast infection season is also in high-gear. You might not realize this, but warm weather increases your risk of developing those uncomfortable yeast infections. Luckily, summer doesn't have to mean that you're going to be plagued with an itchy, uncomfortable vagina. If you get yeast infections on a regular basis, the first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor about preventative treatment this summer. Read More